Key Advantages of Selling Your Products Online in Malaysia
Starting your own online store can often feel like a complex and time-consuming task, especially for those who are not tech-savvy and more familiar with selling products from a physical store. The truth is, with a little bit of research and preparation selling your products online has never been easier and with so many Malaysians choosing to shop online, businesses in the retail sector can no longer afford not to cater for this growing market.
Let’s take a look at some of the Key Advantages, selling online has for businesses today.
- Showcase Your Products to a Wider Audience
Selling products through a physical store has always been a great way to establish your business within a local community. However one of the drawbacks to this is that the growth of your business is often determined by the population of the local community and surrounding areas. In the past business owners would overcome this issue by opening more outlets in other areas but this requires investment and also includes an element of risk.
The beauty of selling your products online is that you can showcase your business and products to online shoppers as far and wide as you like. As one of the fastest growing regions for e-commerce in South East Asia, Malaysians
However as consumer shopping trends have changed over the past decade, over 50% of Malaysians today are active online shoppers.
- Lower Running Costs
With high rents and staff salaries to cover each month, the cost of operating a physical store is by far the biggest stress on business owners today. The beauty of selling online is you have more control over your costs and level of growth.
For example, Someone new to selling online may decide to do so in addition to their day-to-day job, giving them the freedom to work from home and work the hours they choose.
- Generate Sales 24/7
Unlike physical retail stores which are only licenced to operate between specific hours, online sellers benefit from having their products available for sale 24 hours a day.
This is especially important for small businesses as it allows business owners to focus on other tasks, such as marketing, accounts or logistics while their products are being sold.
- Improve Your Customer Service
Selling products online has a massive impact on the way you communicate and grow brand loyalty with your customers. On a positive note, the use of features such as live chat, email, WhatsApp makes it a lot easier to connect with your customers and keep them updated.
When dealing with enquiries and complaints through online channels it is important to remember that in general customers expect responses to be fast and are more likely to leave a review of your product and service either on your shopping platform or on your social media.
We recommend online sellers to have a clear plan on how they will manage and respond to customers when selling online, things like pre-written templates for emails and Live chat will save you time when dealing with a high volume of enquiries.
- Optimise & Track Your Marketing Spend
Before the days of the internet businesses relied mostly on printed advertising, radio and television adverts to showcase their stores and products. As successful as these methods of advertising are, they all fall short in that none are able to give a accurate report on how effectively the marketing budget was utilised.
When selling products online, businesses now have a wide range of tools and resources to help them identify their current level of growth as well as identifying opportunities to expand.
By having access to real-time data on your website visitors and a demographic of the consumers purchasing your products you can effectively tailor your marketing and product range to meet for this demand.
Besides the above, selling online has never been easier and with so many shopping platforms and resources available for you online, you can’t really go wrong.
Interested in selling on Vodus? Well, we are always looking for new merchant sellers to join our platform. Becoming a Merchant Seller is FREE and we only charge a small transaction fee on the products that are sold on our site.